Release & Restore Energy Healing Sessions
In the Release & Restore energy healing sessions I have created my own way of healing, using a healing pendulum to identify & clear emotions & other imbalances which can cause energetic blockages. For the health & wellbeing of each individual client, I use Resonance therapy techniques to connect to positive energies for optimal healing. I am now including Quantum Frequencies using the Healy device in all my sessions too. For more information about these techniques, see Energy Healing.
In addition I intuitively incorporate other methods such as Visualisation, Light Healing, Colour Therapy, Plant Essences, Rahanni, Chakra Healing & Belief work as guided. The subconscious mind is your own ultra intelligent computer system of the body; it holds all the information about you from this lifetime & past & knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance & restore energy flow. Working with the subconscious mind energy field & your personal energetic wavelength, I’m able to identify the imbalances which need to be released & restored for health & wellbeing.
For the Emotion and Body Code healing sessions, I follow this certified protocol of identifying and clearing energy. For more information about this modality, visit the Discover Healing Website.
The Rahanni Energy Healing sessions are carried out remotely from the comfort of your own home. You can relax while the healing takes place. For more information about Rahanni visit the Rahanni Celestial Healing Website.
Pricing & Booking
Release and Restore Single session at 1 hour 15 for adults £77
Release and Restore Single session 1.5 hour on Zoom for adults £88
Release and Restore Single session at 1 hour for children £50
Three session distance for adults £222
Three session Zoom for adults £255
Emotion and Body Code at 1 hour £55
Rahanni Celestial Energy Healing 45 minutes £44
Mini Rest and Restore 30 minutes £33
Oracle Card Reading £11
3,6,9 Frequency Package £33.30
For other appointment times available, please contact me. For all other information see my terms and conditions & FAQ’s